경남도립미술관 물결 파빌리온
Site: Gyoungnam Art Museum, South Korea
Time: 2019.03-08, completed on August 2019
Client: Gyoungnam Art Museum, Curator: Yeojin Chang, Wonji Seol
Structure: Simple Works (UK)
Photography: Kyungsub Shin
Construction: Seorin Construction, DKD acrylic, Hanyang Metal, Changwon Jonghap Management
Light: IGuzinni
Film by: Yurina Song Choreography: On Kim
Ripple Pavilion is the annual outdoor pavilion project at Gyeongnam Art Museum in South Korea. Thousands of pixels - acrylic tubes with mechanical joints - span across a waving canopy while scattering light and colour in constantly changing expression.
It is an interactive installation where people’s movements transform the appearance of the pavilion at different moments in time. The overall effect of the pavilion begins from a small contact with a tube, which swings other pixels in the vicinity to create rippling phenomenon. Then the physical movement translates into refracted colours transforming whole installation into a moving iridescent field.
The concept of the pavilion was conceived as a responsive environment. A small initial input, such as a child’s touch, could propagate into unexpected patterns on the whole array of pixels like a butterfly effect. The playfulness of pavilion invites people at all ages to participate and to create their own moments. The geometry of the pavilion paid special attention to maximizing interaction. The waving double curvature optimizes contact point at different heights for different users. To fine-tune the interactive points in the 3d geometry, several iterations of parametric model was shared with other consultants. Then collaborative feedbacks helped reaching the final form. As a result, there are moments of pavilion suitable for standing users while crawling is the best way to experience in other areas. The mix of concave and convex spaces also allow diverse array of colours to be perceived at any view point.
* The Ripple Pavilion has been invited by European Culture Center to be displayed in Venice Biennale 2020. Currently we are looking for sponsorship to transport and reinstall this pavilion in Italy. Please contact info@atelierchang.com if you would like to support the art project. Thank you!